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Packaging & Recycling > International Packaging Licensing

Borderless service with BellandVision

On the safe side
- abroad, too!

Similar to the German Packaging Act, special packaging law requirements also apply in other countries. This means: If you also sell packaged products abroad, you may be required to license your packaging in the respective country. With BellandInternational consulting services, you can maintain an overview and meet all compliance requirements:

One contact for 32 countries

Identification and evaluation of relevant export countries.

Fulfillment of your obligations under packaging law

Coordination and review of legal documentation

Continuous monitoring of national legislation

We also advise on producer obligations for electrical appliances, batteries, textiles and furniture

We will be happy to advise you on your manufacturer obligations abroad!

Verschiedene nationale Flaggen, darunter die Flaggen Frankreichs, Italiens, Spaniens und der Europäischen Union, flattern an Flaggenmasten vor einem klaren blauen Himmel, symbolisch für internationale Präsenz und Kooperation.

Our network for international packaging licensing

With our international network, we are happy to advise you on all your obligations in the respective target/export countries. Our cooperation partners have all the necessary expertise and solutions to meet national compliance regulations in the following countries:

• Austria


• Belgium

• Bulgaria

• Schwitzerland

• Cyprus

• Czech Republic

• Denmark

• Estonia

• Spain

• Finland

• France

• Greece

• Hungary

• Croatia

• Ireland

• Israel

• Italy

• Lithuania

• Luxembourg

• Latvia

• Malta

• Netherlands

• Norway

• Poland

• Portugal

• Romania

• Serbia

• Sweden

• Slovakia

• Slovenia

• Turkey

• UK

• Bosnia Herzigovina


We can not only packaging, but also WEEE* and batteries

National laws do not only regulate producer responsibility for packaging. There may also be extended producer responsibility provisions for batteries, accumulators and electronic equipment that must be complied with. We help you identify and comply with these legal obligations in the respective target countries.

Do you have questions about international packaging licensing? Contact us here!


*Waste of Electrical and Electronical Equipment

More information for you:

Participation in the dual System
Sector Specific Solution
Transport Packaging
Licence Fee Calculator
Packaging Act
Packaging Register LUCID
Closed Recycling Loops
International Licensing